Student Learning Outcome 7

Aligned with Student Learning Outcomes
SLO7. The student applies advocacy, marketing, and communication principles for entrepreneurial leadership.



When I changed media coordinator positions from a high school to an elementary school, I believed it would be important to start my new job with an advocacy plan. The process of researching the new school allowed me to learn more than I would have just walking onto the job.  My main objective in writing this advocacy plan was to introduce myself to the students and parents while also advocating for the school library.  The targeted audiences addressed in this plan are the students and parents.  
As a new teacher-librarian coming into the school halfway through the year, I wanted to set realistic goals to generate a foundation of support.  While I could see that there were many wonderful qualities of my new school library, I quickly realized there were also areas for improvement.  The goals outlined in the advocacy plan were written to address the most immediate needs. First, I wanted to renovate the library space in order to attract students. The more students are drawn to the school library, the more they will be impacted by the services offered inside.  Second,  I wanted to increase parent involvement.   The stronger the parent outreach is for establishing a culture of volunteering in the library, the more support I will have upholding the highest standards for a strong school library program.
Using, I decided to create a family advocacy video to post on my school library website and blog. The targeted audience for this video is parents and caretakers of children. The objective of the video was to recruit family members to volunteer in their child’s school library for read alouds, lesson planning, organizing, reshelving, assisting students in finding books, or any other task they are passionate about.

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