Student Learning Outcome 4

Aligned with Student Learning Outcomes
SLO4. The student designs services to meet the information needs of all users and communities.

Web-based Instructional Project, Website:

I initially created this website to serve as a one-stop resource center for educators, parents, and high school students.  Since I was working in a school with a high population of students in poverty and limited resources, my main goal was to give students a quick snapshot of a diverse range of books that may interest them. My objective was to get as many books in as many hands as possible. I created a book club in the high school and used my website with the club to decide which books to read. I quickly learned that my students were interested in a wide range from dystopia to realistic fiction, so the website was an easy way for them to navigate towards their prefered genres. I also had success using the website to draw in reluctant readers. If a student told me they didn’t like to read, I would ask them to quickly check out the website to see if anything jumped out at them. Almost every time, students would agree to try a book that caught their attention.  Now that I am working in an elementary school library, I plan to update the content to reflect children's literature as well and young adult.
    The website contains a wide range of information. One can find book award lists, book summaries, book descriptions categorized by genre, digital storytelling tools, award winning authors who typically write for males, professional resources, popular blogs, help with research, and fun videos.

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