Student Learning Outcome 2

Aligned with Student Learning Outcomes
SLO2. The student identifies, evaluates, conducts and applies current research and thought in library and information studies and in other fields.

Fall 2013 Independent Study: School Library Evaluations and Strategic Planning
  1. Trained on methods of conducting website evaluations
  2. Complied with Institutional Review Board (IRB) requirements for research with human subjects
  3. Analyzed data in order to help prepare a preliminary manuscript for publication
  4. Collaborated on a second research project with school library strategic planning

School Website Usability Study
After completing Human Subject Training and becoming IRB Human Subject Certified, I was able to analyze the results of school librarian surveys and website evaluations conducted in the initial phase of the research.  This allowed me to identify what constitutes a user-centered website and what school librarians think about them.  I contacted and interviewed four school librarians from the study to discuss the research findings.  From my evaluations, I learned that the majority of school library websites in our study were missing valuable key components that attract young users.  For example, most school library websites lacked age-appropriate graphics with clean designs, online quizzes, voting, forums, message boards, and wikis.   With this knowledge, I began the transformation of my own school’s website. I contacted one of Johnston County School’s Digital Teaching and Learning Coordinators, and she met with me on three separate occasions.  We updated my school’s website, organized the navigational tabs, and consolidated many of the pages that were not being used.  I was then able to clean and update my library’s web page, and start a personal teacher page. As a result, I became a web master at my school and was asked by my principal to become a Digital Learning Coach for our faculty.  
Drumming Up More Business
Another area I became proficient in was searching for and contacting participants in the study. I was able to reunite the study with the original graduate student who started it and I found three out of four lost librarians who agreed to be interviewed.  I learned to reach out of my comfort zone and talk to these individuals about things, even when they really didn’t want to talk to me.  I also honed my skills in email etiquette as I messaged hundreds of librarians, requesting them to complete a survey for the study.
“The Usability of School Library Websites: Student-Centered Web Design” (submitted to ALA School Library Research Journal)
I am grateful for the experience of participating in the writing of this document. The process of communicating back and forth and taking turns making edits was insightful and allowed me to understand what collaboration looks like on a professional level with two respected professors.
Strategic Planning
I now understand the value of clearly aligned goals and objectives. Strategic planning proved to be beneficial for me in several ways.  It helped me work around differing philosophies with my co-librarian.  We were able to discuss our weaknesses, recognize our strengths, and provide a clearly identified division of labor.  It allowed me the ability to create a mission and vision that I am passionate about while improving communication efforts.

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