I am writing this letter in hopes that it catches you in the mood to see, hear, talk, or think about something old or new that you are interested in. I decided to become your school Media Coordinator because I want to help you become the most "Literate" you can be. In other words, I want you to understand the world you live in and the world you have yet to explore. The more you understand how to go out and achieve the goals you set, the brighter your future will be! It is my personal goal to teach you how to use all of the resources the library has to offer you here at school, in public, and in university libraries. In the process, I am going to do my best to introduce you to authors who have dedicated their lives to writing books just for young adults (YOU), and as many forms of text that I can to make your high school experience the best yet.
I was in your shoes not too long ago, and I remember what it felt like to be going through all of the transitions you are experiencing. I hope to have the opportunity to meet each and every one of you, and I look forward to getting to know you while supporting your reading needs throughout high school. Whether learning about classic literature or science, I can help you find books you are interested in that relate to your topic. If you need help with research, please stop by the library and ask me for help. That is why I am here- to be of service to you! Or if you are simply looking for something to read for fun, for support, or out of loneliness, but have no idea where to find it, I can point you in multiple directions until you find something that meets your needs. That's the beauty of reading, there is always something out there that can reach you on such a level you would think it was written only for you!
Last but not least, I leave you with a quote. I believe it speaks to my purpose as your librarian. I look forward to a year full of exciting new opportunities, lessons, and discussions with all of you.
All my best,
Mrs. Lam (Your School Media Coordinator)
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
Dr. Seuss,
I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!